SBA Committee Info

  • Our elections are held in March, please send your group nominations and be present if you wish to be elected. Also complete this questionnaire and bring with you to Area.
  • RCM – Lynne B. is our Regional committee member and is responsible for representing our Area.
  • Alt. RCM Bob P. backs up the RCM when they cannot attend the regional meeting, helps to take notes at region.
  • Chairperson – Violet B. Keeps us all in order, making sure we each raise our hands before talking and maintains a productive Area meeting.
  • Vice Chairperson – James F. Helps out wherever we need it, fills in where there is a vacancy, and helps to keep the meeting on track. Votes in case of a tie.
  • Secretary – Jen Records everything we do at area, providing us with the minutes.
  • Vice Secretary – Vacant
  • Treasurer – Aaron S. Keeps our bank account balanced and provides reports at Area. If you have any questions regarding expenses or otherwise, please feel free to contact the Treasurer at any time.
  • Vice Treasurer – Connie Y. Backs up the Treasurer if assistance is needed and helps to maintain accountability.
  • Literature – Vacant but Susie L. nominated and we will vote in April. Responsible for keeping literature/medallions stockpiled. They provide a literature audit twice per year and maintains a literature order form.
  • PR/Policy – Rob H. Responsible for maintaining the ‘paper’ copy of our meeting schedule, updating the website & the BMLT meeting app. Being a smaller area we combined Policy with PR…and our objective is to simplify the guidelines and to be sure everyone has a copy.
  • H&I – Juan O. Helps to facility H&I meetings in our Area.
  • Activities – Heather Plans our Area’s activities. We have 2 annual activities, our Grill & Chill in June held in Sandusky and our Chili Cook-off held in October in Norwalk.